Healthy low FODMAP vegetarian recipes

Healthy low FODMAP vegetarian recipes

Are you a vegetarian looking to add some tasty and nutritious dishes to your diet? Whether you're a long-time veggie lover or relatively new to plant-based eating, chances are you already know the important benefits of this lifestyle for both people and our planet.

But if you follow a low FODMAP diet due to food sensitivities or digestive issues, finding recipes that fit your needs can be challenging.

Fortunately, this blog post and the Nutrive app cover some amazing healthy low FODMAP vegetarian recipes that will tantalize your taste buds while protecting your belly!

Can you be vegetarian with IBS?

Yes, people with Irritable Bowel Syndrome can follow a vegetarian diet as long as they eat nutritious complete meals.

Eating a variety of plant-based proteins coupled with plenty FODMAP friendly vegetables and fruits can help vegetarians with IBS to stay healthy, energized, and symptom-free.

By focusing on healthful plant-based proteins such as legumes, tofu, tempeh, nuts, and seeds in portion sizes you can tolerate, you can ensure that you get enough of the essential nutrients your body needs while avoiding high FODMAP foods such as wheat and dairy.

Different types of legumes ranging from beans to lentils

Can you be a vegetarian and follow the low FODMAP diet?

Yes, it is possible to be both a vegetarian and follow the low FODMAP diet. The Low FODMAP diet is especially helpful for vegetarians with IBS, as it helps reduce symptoms by avoiding trigger foods that are high in fermentable carbs known as FODMAPs.

Sometimes, it can be tough to know what to eat when you have dietary restrictions. That's where Nutrive comes in -- this innovative FODMAP app helps you easily find replacements for foods you're intolerant to and make meal prep and planning a breeze.

You won't have to sacrifice taste for comfort, as the FODMAP app also helps you find delicious recipes that won't cause any gut problems. Whether you're looking for breakfast, lunch, dinner, or snacks for you or the whole family.

It is important to remember to introduce low FODMAP foods into your diet slowly over time to give your body time to adjust, learn more here.

Beet soup and beet as background with text: 'Find other FODMAP foods' and the logos for the AppStore and Google Play to download the Nutrive app.

What can vegetarians eat on the low FODMAP diet?

A low FODMAP vegetarian diet can include a variety of proteins, such as quinoa, eggs, legumes, tofu, tempeh, low FODMAP nuts, and seeds such as brazil nuts, chia seeds, sunflower seeds, and pumpkin seeds.

Additionally, some grains are considered low FODMAP such as rolled oats, quinoa, and buckwheat flour.

Dairy substitutes such as lactose-free milk, almond milk, coconut milk, and rice milk can also be included in a Low FODMAP vegetarian diet.

Different sources of vegetarian protein such as tofu, lentils, beans and rice

It is also important to incorporate plenty of low-FODMAP vegetables and fruits such as leafy greens, bean sprouts, carrots, green onions, cucumbers, and oranges. As well as high FODMAP vegetables in a potion that is well tolerated by your body,  ensuring that you get enough of the essential nutrients your body needs.

By focusing on these foods vegetarians can make sure they get enough of the essential nutrients their body needs while also avoiding foods that trigger uncomfortable digestive symptoms.

How do I get enough vegetables with the FODMAP diet?

Eating plenty of low-FODMAP vegetables is key for maintaining optimal health during and after the low-FODMAP diet. By focusing on healthful plant-based proteins such as legumes, nuts, and seeds, and incorporating plenty of low-FODMAP vegetables it is possible to follow a Low FODMAP vegetarian diet that also meets your nutritional needs.

A few easy ways to add more vegetables to your diet include adding them to salads, stir-fries, soups, and stews. You can also try roasting vegetables in the oven for a delicious side dish or adding them to wraps, sandwiches, or tacos.

It is also important to remember that some vegetables are higher in FODMAPs than others so be sure to check the Nutrive app for a list of acceptable vegetables.

The recipes in this FODMAP app make it easy to create delicious meals that are sure to satisfy your taste buds while still managing IBS symptoms.

Green fruits and veggies on a grey background

What vegetables are OK on low FODMAP?

Vegetables that are considered safe to eat during the elimination phase of the low FODMAP diet include leafy greens such as kale, spinach, lettuce, carrots, arugula, bean sprouts, collard, choy sum, potatoes (white or sweet).

Low FODMAP fruits are blueberries, sugar bananas, carambola, clementine's, guava, papaya, prickly pear, starfruit, plantain, starfruit, cumquats, and kiwis. Many other fruits and veggies are OK and considered low FODMAP for certain portion sizes.

Be sure to check the Nutrive app for a full food list of vegetables and other food items, to help you with a bit of creativity and some killer recipes you can make.

By focusing on these foods, vegetarians can make sure they get enough of the essential nutrients their body needs while also avoiding foods that trigger uncomfortable digestive symptoms.

With a bit of creativity and some planning, following a low FODMAP vegetarian diet can be delicious and satisfying.

Women having the Nutrive app open with groceries in the background
Use the Nutrive app to find your recipes & FODMAP content in grocery items

How can vegetarians get protein for IBS?

Good sources of plant-based protein for vegetarians include legumes like beans and lentils. Many legumes are high in FODMAPs, be sure to check which legumes are low in FODMAP before including them in your meal plan.

By focusing on healthful plant-based proteins low in FODMAPs such as nuts, seeds, quinoa, tempeh, tofu, and edamame. With incorporating enough protein and plenty of low FODMAP vegetables it is possible to follow a low FODMAP vegetarian diet that also meets your nutritional needs.

Additionally, eggs are considered to be low in FODMAPs, so they can also make an excellent source of protein in a low-FODMAP vegetarian diet.

Avocado toast with eggs and pine nuts

Is gluten-free OK for low FODMAP?

Generally, gluten-free foods are considered to be low FODMAP, however, it is important to check a low FODMAP food list before consuming any food with a gluten-free label. Many processed products labeled as “gluten-free” may still contain high levels of FODMAPs other than fructan. You can read more about why low FODMAP and gluten-free aren't the same in this blog post.

Additionally, some grains such as wheat, barley, and rye contain gluten but are low in FODMAPs and can be eaten in moderation. Be sure to check the low FODMAP food list in our low FODMAP app for a list of acceptable grains.

Can vegan diets be low in FODMAP?

Yes, it is possible to follow a low FODMAP vegan diet. Most animal proteins are non-vegan, it's therefore important to focus on healthy plant-based proteins such as legumes like beans, lentils, nuts, seeds, quinoa, tempeh, tofu, and edamame. Note these are not all low FODMAP, or only low in FOMDAPs for certain serving sizes.

Veggies as background with text: 'Find other FODMAP foods' and the logos for the AppStore and Google Play to download the Nutrive app.

You can still eat delicious vegetarian food with IBS on the low FODMAP diet

Eating a low FODMAP vegetarian diet doesn't mean sacrificing flavor or nutrition, especially if you cook with low FODMAP herbs & spices. By focusing on healthy plant-based proteins such as nuts and seeds and incorporating plenty of low-FODMAP vegetables it is possible to follow a Low FODMAP vegetarian diet that also meets your nutritional needs.

You can use the Nutrive FOMDAP app to easily find tasty, nutritious meals that are sure to satisfy your taste buds while still managing IBS symptoms. Enjoy exploring this collection of low FODMAP vegetarian recipes and get creative in the kitchen to find delicious dishes that will help keep you energized, satisfied, and symptom-free.

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